In what is believed to be an Australian if not a world-wide first, Albury-Wodonga radio station 2AY is now home to two popularly elected Mayors. After a strong performance in the recent NSW Local Government elections, local media personality Kylie King will lead Albury City into the future, elected overnight as Mayor for a 2-year term.
Kylie joins her 2AY breakfast show co-host Kevin Poulton in the political arena, after Kev was voted in as the City of Wodonga Mayor in November 2020.
“It’s a true honour and I’ll be working very hard as part of a collective team of councillors, and I can see the passion, drive and community focus, and the spirit is there to really work together to drive the city forward,” Councillor King said.
“We are very excited to support Kylie as she leads our flourishing city of Albury into the future as our new Mayor”, said 2AY General Manager Andrew Harrison.
“To have both Kylie and Kev representing our diverse community so passionately at this
level of leadership in local government really is unheard of”, Mr Harrison said.
Kylie and Kev wake up the Border North East on 1494 2AY from 6am weekdays, with a mix of
local news, information, and plenty of fun.