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Vale Ross ‘Rosco’ Meldrum

Gavin Wood has shared on Facebook:Very sad news, my friend and mentor, especially those wonderful years at 4BC, Ross (Rosco) Meldrum has left the studio. One of the best on and off the air. Condolences to Christine and all the family. R.I.P. Gentle Man.” Meldrum was 74. His son Jamie Meldrum died in 2020.

Below are tributes shared on social media:

Graham Smith

What a wonderful human being. Always professional and committed to providing the best music sound tracks to the station policy. A dedicated producer and panel-op to Haydn Sargent over many years including an innovative week of broadcasts from London to celebrate the Queen’s many Jubilees. Haydn and Ross told many funny stories about travelling all over London tracking down the numerous celebrities who were interviewed on Haydn’s program. Individually, Ross was very supportive of many new young talent joining the industry. His contribution to the regional radio Industry in Victoria over many years selecting the music programming for the ACE radio network and others must also be acknowledged.  On a personal level, Diane & I wish Christine and family our deepest sympathy at this sad time. 74 seems all too young to all of us. We remember the many good times on both 4BC in Brisbane and later in Sydney at 2UW.

Martin Lewis

I used to work the phone lines on the Fr Joe Duffy show on 4BC in the late 70’s early 80’s … Ross did the panel… an absolute gentleman… RIP.

Jason Dacey

This is sad news. I worked with Ross’s son Jamie (whom we lost a couple of years ago) at  Money FM in Singapore. A real radio family

Alan McGirvan

Extremely competent and talented operator. Great voice – he inherited the Channel 10 ROS VoiceOver promos from me back in 88 I think. He never let anyone down.

John Peters

Hey Gav, I used to listen to Rosco when I left school. He was the last of the 4BC dj’s to still be obsessed by the music.

Jon Vertigan

Very sad Gav, Rosko was a true legend and a great mentor for me. Taught me everything about Selector back in the day. Condolences to Christine and family. Just a lovely fella with a booming big laugh. 

Dean Felton

Very sad news. Roscoe was one of the radio voices of my childhood, along with yourself (as Gavin Fullwood), Mike A’hern, Graham Smith, Peter Dick, Hans Kristian (Torv) and Garry Suprain. RIP Ross.


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