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Dom Rinaldo Exits Cruise 1323 

Dom Rinaldo, the Cruise 323 Adelaide afternoon presenter was looking forward to clocking up 13 years at the station, but following the last GfK metro survey was told his services was not required. He would have been celebrating 13 years at Cruise in December – was quietly shown the door. His last program was on Tuesday July 11.

Dom is a much-loved and respected presenter who has entertained Adelaide during the mornings for the past 12 years,” ARN chief content officer Duncan Campbell said in a statement, adding: “We thank him for his passion and contribution to the network over the years and wish him all the best.”


  1. And now you have some numnuts on there who sounds like his male bag hasn’t dropped yet.
    We would rather listen to Dom in the mornings than that boring ……………………. you have on there now ????????‍♂️

    • I m sorry Som, but, i feel Cruise has had a breath of fresh air…. love the new announcers and the remainder ofvthe oldies, john dean, Huggy, Phil NcAvoy.

    • I miss Dom so much, along with John this was my morning radio when I was home and fishing in Port Lincoln at the weekend, Dom was always on out Makeeta radio. I wish him all the best, the other guys besides John and Huggie don’t cut the mustard for me

      • Dom is now on Brisbanes 4 BH 1116 am …on evening timeslot..its good to here him again ..i feel cruise has gone downhill lately..

    • I miss hearing Dom Renaldo, great voice. Bring him back

    • I agree, isn’t the same without Dom, can’t stand the sound now, and even worse when footy takes over on the weekend

  2. I believe the station has gone into cost reduction mode.
    Dom was the best presenter.
    Now looking for a new station for my 5 radios.

  3. What a travesty! Dom is a brilliant announcer with such a broad music knowledge and always so upbeat and professional. Don’t think he ever had a bad day. Miss him so much, especially Sundays. Now we’re subjected to Football ☹️ and when the season finishes it will probably be cricket or the races. So much for a “music” station!
    And if that’s not bad enough we now have repeats of waffling, talk fests (people trying to out talk each other as if their entertaining and they have something humorous to contribute) in the early morning hours.
    1323 has joined the ranks of the also rans, its just like all the others, no longer differentiated by its dedication to music or the knowledge and gravitas of its talent.
    It’s cheap, easy, recycled programming.
    They had such a good formula but the desire to save a dollar and appeal to a different market and perhaps a different demographic has me trying new stations.
    Such a shame and such a loss.

  4. 1323 am is just no longer the same..
    Miss you Dom..
    Miss hearing your upbeat voice, laughter & humor ..
    How disappointing ☹️

  5. Agree with everyone, mad as hell, miss Dom. He was great.
    Hope he gets a much bigger & better radio gig. I’ll be turning the diall to listen to him for sure !

  6. I agree with these comments.
    Week-end listening now spoilt by AFL, nightly sports shows and other talking heads
    If I want to listen to footy there are numerous other channels to choose from why
    After 25 plus years I have now found other stations to listen to which is a shame

  7. agree with these comments-I listen to Cruise-for purely good music-not interested in hearing footy broadcasts etc-don’t try to fix something that’s not broken

  8. I miss Dom!

  9. Disappointed with 1323 on the sacking of Dom Rinaldo! A great person bringing good music but for some unknown reason they gave him the boot.
    Not sure this is a smart move and recycling other presenters may bite them where it counts

  10. I have now changed to Smooth Adelaide. What a stupid move sacking Dom.

  11. I thought that Dom was on leave to attend World Cup games, and long service leave after that.I didn’t know that he had been shafted,because of a so-called ratings result. If only A.R.N. had given Cruise the funding and resources to thrive,instead of starving them of support,their ratings would have been even better! Even so, they weren’t far behind the ratings of the Favourite child, Mix 102.3. I dont love the new format, If I wanted sport or Victorian advertisements,there are plenty of other options! I will always listen to John Dean, as I have done for decades,sometimes in the afternoon,but mostly I have brought my C.D’s out of storage. WHY fix something that wasn’t broken???

  12. I only ever listened to Dom, he was brilliant. Switched off as soon as his shift was over. Need to find a new station now.

  13. And their so-called news service is a joke!

  14. I can’t understand the managers and owners of 1323. It used to be my only and best station with 60’s and 70’s music, especially when travelling in the car. We now have Amanda and Jones what crap. Then we have talkback sports and both in drive time. Within these hours, I now have to look for another station with similar music. Stuff these decision-makers.

  15. Agree with everyone…I used to listen from Perth but not anymore !
    Dom was the best to listen to, he has such a great vibe and is well respected with all his listeners, he played a wide range of music and was full of knowledge and little tit bits about the bands and artists.
    I wonder what really happened internally, prob someone was jealous of him.
    I hope he is happy and well and he’ll be much more appreciated elsewhere.

  16. Don’t blame the ratings on the announcers. The music director needs to expand the library. I mean, artists like Elton John, Hollies or Rod Stewart have far more than the 3 songs of each you have on high rotation. Eg; Elton John’s Love Lies Bleeding or Rod Stewarts Every Picture has a Story.

  17. Had been wondering what happened to Dom. Now I know. I agree with the many comments about his style and knowledge. I like John Deane too – those two are/were my favourite announcers! I also agree with the comments about your news segments – they are a joke – more sport than news, and some of the readers speak so quickly it’s impossible to catch what they are saying. News is a serious business – don’t know what happened to your original newsreader – probably shown the door as well! I do appreciate some common sense has prevailed – at least we get the full songs now – not some shortened versions which were occurring before.

    • I used to listen to cruise until the changes to it’s programming now switched to smooth adelaide

      • I have also changed to Smooth Adelaide. The changes to Cruise are so annoying. I don’t want to listen to football, Amanda and Jonesy etc. Cruise used to be great, not anymore 😐. Only 2 presenters left! So disappointed.

  18. Had been wondering what happened to Dom. Now I know. I agree with the many comments about his style and knowledge. I like John Deane too – those two are/were my favourite announcers! I also agree with the comments about your news segments – they are a joke – more sport than news, and some of the readers speak so quickly it’s impossible to catch what they are saying. News is a serious business – don’t know what happened to your original newsreader – probably shown the door as well! I do appreciate some common sense has prevailed – at least we get the full songs now – not some shortened versions which were occurring before.

  19. Totally agree with others – so disappointed in the change of Cruise 1323 format – interstate football games, talk back footy, Amanda etc etc. Dom was a great presenter, also others seem to be missing. I gather it is a cost cutting exercise. I never ever needed to change my radio station but now I am turning the radio OFF at 5.00 pm weeknights and when footy is on during the weekend.


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